perm filename FORMAL.OTL[RDG,DBL] blob sn#695618 filedate 1983-01-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{OUTLINE of FORMAL.MSS by Scribe 3B(1134) on 15 January 1983 at 15:01}
1 What does it mean to "Understand" an Analogy            0 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/2
  1.1 "Analogical" Facts                                  0 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/3
  1.2 "New" Facts                                         1 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/4
    1.2.1 Defintion of NU                                 1 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/5
                              alreadyin                   1 FORMAL.MSS, 00600/5
                              deduce #1                   1 FORMAL.MSS, 01000/5
                              incons #2                   1 FORMAL.MSS, 01700/5
                              indep #3                    2 FORMAL.MSS, 02100/5
    1.2.2 "New" wrt an Object                             2 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/6
    1.2.3 Syntactic Method                                2 FORMAL.MSS, 01100/6
                              SynMethod                   2 FORMAL.MSS, 01200/6
    1.2.4 Model Theory, to the rescue                     3 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/7
                              RealWorld #1                4 FORMAL.MSS, 02900/7
    1.2.5 The Answer: Definition of New                   5 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/8
    1.2.6 Final Word wrt Newness                          6 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/9
    1.2.7 "New Analogical" Facts                          6 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/10
                              Defn-f (Facts 1)            6 FORMAL.MSS, 02100/10
    1.2.8 Final Comments                                  7 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/11
2 Notes                                                   7 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/12
                              NonAnalogy #1               7 FORMAL.MSS, 00500/12
                              SemClos #2                  7 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/13
                              Independent (Facts 2)       8 FORMAL.MSS, 00500/13
                              PSS #3                      8 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/14
                              Univ #4                     8 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/15
                              Proofs #5                   8 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/16
                              NewOther #5                 9 FORMAL.MSS, 00100/17
 Table of Contents                                        1 042S01.TMP, 00300/1
	Alphabetic Listing of Cross-Reference Tags and Labels

Tag or Label Name                    Page   Label Value  Source file Location
ALREADYIN                               1              FORMAL.MSS, 00600/5
DEDUCE                                  1          #1  FORMAL.MSS, 01000/5
DEFN-F                                  6   (Facts 1)  FORMAL.MSS, 02100/10
INCONS                                  1          #2  FORMAL.MSS, 01700/5
INDEP                                   2          #3  FORMAL.MSS, 02100/5
INDEPENDENT                             8   (Facts 2)  FORMAL.MSS, 00500/13
NEWOTHER                                9          #5  FORMAL.MSS, 00100/17
NONANALOGY                              7          #1  FORMAL.MSS, 00500/12
PROOFS                                  8          #5  FORMAL.MSS, 00100/16
PSS                                     8          #3  FORMAL.MSS, 00100/14
REALWORLD                               4          #1  FORMAL.MSS, 02900/7
SEMCLOS                                 8          #2  FORMAL.MSS, 00100/13
SYNMETHOD                               2       1.2.3  FORMAL.MSS, 01200/6
UNIV                                    8          #4  FORMAL.MSS, 00100/15